Energy and environmental technology

Kremsmueller builds equipment and plants for green energy and safe recycling. What we can do for you in the field of environmental technology.

When renewable energy needs to be stored and safely available or raw materials need to be recovered from waste, Kremsmueller builds the technology and plants. Our apparatus and plant engineering moves big things – with strong environmental technology solutions for sustainability, energy transition and a clean environment.

Renewable energies even at night and when there is no wind

Hot water storage tank

The future belongs to renewable energies. The use of wind and water power, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy, geothermal energy or even industrial waste heat requires targeted optimization to ensure a secure energy supply at all times.

Hot water heat storage tanks from Kremsmueller enable the storage and use of waste heat and serve as storage for energy from alternative sources that is to be used at a later date. For greater efficiency, even in existing power plants, and for stability in terms of electricity, heat and costs.

Our flagship projects

Hot water storage tank References

Kremsmüller heat storage enercity Hamburg

An investment in future viability

Pressurized heat storage for local heating in Hafencity

A pressurized heat storage tank ensures a reliable and consistent local heating supply in Hamburg’s Hafencity.

Installation of heat accumulator in Wuerzburg

The example of Würzburg: more efficiency in existing buildings

Heat storage for local energy suppliers

The new heat storage facility for Würzburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrs-GmbH will be installed directly in the existing building of the combined heat and power plant.

Comfortable temperatures without a boiler or air conditioning

Networks for district heating and cooling

A district heating network provides heating water directly via a network of pipes – without a boiler or fuel store in the house or office building. If renewable energies or waste heat from industrial production or electricity generation are used, this is simple and convenient. And it is also particularly efficient and environmentally friendly.

Kremsmüller Rohrleitungsbau is an experienced partner for the pipes and lines required from the power plant and storage facility to the customer.

By the way: the whole thing also works in reverse – with a district cooling network.

Our flagship projects

District heating and cooling References

From Kremsmüller for the city of Wels

Fernwärme für Kaiser-Josef-Platz Wels

Kremsmüller provides district heating as part of the redesign of Kaiser-Josef-Platz in Wels.

Expertise and know-how from Kremsmueller

Kremsmüller lays district heating pipes at the Krieau harness racing track

2.3 kilometers of CHP lines supply the “Korso” residential project in Viertel Zwei with district heating and district cooling. A great project for the strong Kremsmüller team.

Targeted use of production heat for heating

Large heat pumps for industrial waste heat

Industrial production often generates high temperatures – energy that usually remains unused. Large heat pumps with an output of several megawatts can use this valuable resource in a controlled manner, for example in district heating networks. This saves energy for cooling, costs and also reduces CO2 emissions.

Our flagship projects

Large heat pumps Reference

Heat pumps utilization of industrial waste heat Friotherm industrielle kremsmüller

Perfect framework conditions at Kremsmueller

Two 10 MW heat pumps manufactured to utilize industrial waste heat

Kremsmüller manufactured two heat pumps, each with 10 MW, for the utilization of industrial waste heat. The customer Friotherm praised the infrastructure and the good and timely work.

Using hydropower for the energy transition

Power plant construction

Flowing water contains vast amounts of energy – the current of a river can move huge loads and change landscapes.

Kremsmüller’s power plant construction has set itself the task of harnessing this energy for sustainable electricity storage and generation. Pumped storage power plants store energy in a high-altitude reservoir; the pumps are operated with currently unused or renewable energy. When the water is released, the previously stored energy generates electricity again at the desired time.

Laying and welding the huge pipes and cables required safely in often steep terrain is a job for the specialists at Kremsmueller.

The electrical engineering required in power plants, including switchgear and transformers, is expertly installed by the Kremsmueller EI&C department

Our flagship projects

Power plant construction References

ÖBB Spullersee power plant: welding on mountain slopes

Strong in our core competence

ÖBB Spullersee power station: Welding on a steep slope

Kremsmueller employees lived up to their reputation as the best specialists on the market for demanding work on the mountain.


Kaunertal” megaproject

Full speed ahead

As a partner of the internationally renowned power plant expert Andritz Hydro, Kremsmueller is taking over the production and installation of the pressure shaft armoring in the Kaunertal power plant.

Recycling for the environment and energy

Innovatives Recycling

Raw materials are expensive, as is waste disposal. Innovative recycling is becoming increasingly important. Kremsmueller transports forward-looking concepts of our partners into reality and builds industrial plants that attract great international attention.

For example, Kremsmueller was commissioned by OMV to manufacture various containers and tanks for the ReOil project. In the finished plant, 100 liters of high-quality, synthetic pyrolysis oil can be obtained from 100 kg of plastic waste. This serves as the starting point for the production of even the highest quality plastics.

Such innovative recycling plants often require a high degree of quality in the processing of high-quality special materials. This requires a great deal of know-how, which Kremsmueller is happy to contribute to its customers.

Our flagship projects

Innovative recycling References

OMV ReOil: innovativer Behälterbau von Kremsmüller

Innovative container construction from Kremsmueller

OMV ReOil: Innovative tank construction from Kremsmueller

The cooperation between OMV and Kremsmueller resulted in innovative production processes and optimum use of materials.

Small particle with big opportunities

Hydrogen plants

Hydrogen technology is one of the pillars of the energy transition. The gas from the small H2 molecules contains more energy per unit weight than other fuels and can be used, for example, as a versatile storage medium for energy from renewable sources. Plants for producing the volatile substance face particular challenges, including the high vapor pressure and low boiling point of hydrogen.

Specialist knowledge and absolute perfection are therefore required in the construction, but also in the piping and welding of hydrogen plants and the installation of the equipment – the experts at Kremsmueller have already demonstrated their skills in major projects. Kremsmueller is also already involved in current projects in the development of tanks for the safe storage of liquid hydrogen under high pressure and extremely low temperatures.

Our flagship projects

Hydrogen references

THE voestalpine lighthouse project

H2FUTURE - Hydrogen for green steel production

Kremsmueller was involved in the construction of the voestalpine reference project.

Safely separate and recycle mixtures of materials

Thin-film evaporator technologies

Not disposing of waste and old materials at high cost, but separating them safely and completely and recycling the raw materials – an important issue for reducing environmental pollution and costs. When the processing of materials really has to be complete and clean, Kremsmueller’s thin-film evaporator technology comes into play. With the know-how of the Kremsmueller experts, equipment is created that recovers a maximum of raw materials.

The basic principle: in a thin-film evaporator, the liquid or viscous substances run down a heated cylinder, evaporating the light, volatile components, such as water, and are then liquefied again in a condenser. Solids and less volatile substances remain as a concentrate or residue. The special machines from Kremsmueller also reliably separate complicated mixtures of substances – thanks to precisely coordinated control of the ingenious rotor design, retention time and temperature. The choice of the right rotor, which ensures high turbulence in the liquid inside the machine, is extremely important. This prevents undesirable effects such as crystallization or polymerization on the heating surface.

You can find out more about Kremsmueller thin-film evaporator technologies here.

Dünnschichtverdampfer Technologie Kremsmüller

Our flagship projects

Thin film evaporator references

Thin film dryer

Two thin-film dryers with 50 m² each

Sewage sludge dryer for Suez in Yangzhou, China

The project paves the way for future orders in the field of environmental technology.