Horticulture Vegetable garden Vietnam H' Mong Kremsmueller 4 Life
In addition to the cultivation of the vegetables, the inhabitants of the mountain village were explained facts worth knowing about nutritious food, and its preparation.

Vegetable Gardens for Vietnamese H’Mong

Kremsmüller donated garden tools and seeds for a large-scale project of World Vision.

In remote mountain villages in Tram Tau (Vietnam), food supplies are limited. In addition to rice dishes, there are one or two types of vegetables whose seeds are passed on from year to year, making the harvest increasingly poorer. Furthermore, the seeds are becoming increasingly susceptible to pests. Private horticulture is barely practised because the land necessary for this is exposed and not safeguarded against animals running freely. A sufficient and well-balanced diet is out of the question with the result that children in particular are often underfed and malnourished.

That is why Kremsmüller World Vision Austria is promoting local vegetable cultivation. Areas have been fenced in and Nutrition Clubs established in order to create sustainable and long-term awareness of a balanced diet. In these clubs, experts provide the villagers with valuable knowledge about nutritious food and how best to prepare it.

With the help of Kremsmüller 4 Life the villagers have been provided with garden tools and various seeds for greater vegetable diversity. 100 adults and about 300 children belonging to the ethnic minority H’Mong have been positively affected by this project.

General information about Kremsmüller 4 Life can be found here.