Employee survey at Kremsmueller
How and where can the company improve? The employees of the Kremsmueller group subjected their employees to a thorough inspection.

Top grades for Kremsmueller the employer

The “Institut Eucusa” subjected the workplaces at Kremsmueller to a thorough inspection.

A knowledge of and an understanding for the sensitivities of the employees has always been a part of the personnel policies in the Kremsmueller Group. Since, in the course of the decades, the enterprise has grown to a considerable size, it has become really difficult to maintain close contact with all the employees for geographical reasons alone. An employee survey carried out by the "Institut Eucusa", anonymously and company-wide, has now provided important findings…

Company values like quality consciousness, versatility and the spirit of innovation have been verified 100% and are actually at the very top of the sector. What is particularly high is the degree of self-initiative with which the employees of Kremsmueller strive to achieve the enterprise goals. Questions related to the frame conditions at the workplace consistently reached 90% of the sector maximum.
Overall, 70% of all questions have been evaluated with a grade of very good and good – proof of the harmonious atmosphere prevailing among the employees, as well as the high degree of identification of the employees with the company. What is particularly gratifying is that the employees described the organisation structure at Kremsmueller as "family-like", "social" and "unbureaucratic in its structure" despite the size of the company.

Once again, this is large number of powerful arguments in favour of a career in the Kremsmueller group. You can see the situations that are currently vacant here.

Click here for more information on the corporate culture at Kremsmueller.