The Karl Kremsmueller Welding Academy
Training that is unique in Austria. The welding know-how given here is what is actually required in practice.
The Karl Kremsmüller Welding Academy is Austria’s first training facility for submerged-arc welding. The submerged arc training machine was developed and manufactured by a team of the Welding Academy and universal welding apprentices. In the safe laboratory environment, training can now be imparted under the most varied boundary conditions of a submerged arc welding seam. The trainers are professionals with decades of practical experience, so that there is no dearth of background knowledge either.
This arc welding process is one of the oldest and at the same time, most advanced processes for joining steel. Submerged arc welding is fully automated and ideally suited for long seams and big sheet thicknesses. The output, reaching 1500 Amperes, is extraordinary – about ten times as much as with manual electric welding, and the error percentage remains extremely low. In submerged arc welding, the workpiece is covered by a layer of mineral welding powder, below which the arc is ignited. As a result, there is neither weld smoke, nor a visible arc. A protective shield and exhaust are superfluous.
More information on the Karl Kremsmüller Welding Academy is available here: Or simply click on Contact on the right and you will directly reach our experts.