The Future of Gas Supply
Pipeline construction – a traditional area of expertise of Kremsmueller – is in the thick of the action when gas tanks are to be expanded.
While laying a gas tank pipe, Kremsmueller impressed with state-of-the-art, top-class equipment. The new fleet of 175kW side construction crawlers was indispensable in the sludgy terrain. Their deployment on special excavator support mats demonstrated yet again that Kremsmueller delivers precision work even under the most extreme conditions.
The new pipeline connects two underground storage tanks in Salzburg. For this purpose, the team laid a pipe that was 3.6 km long, with a nominal width of DN 400 and a nominal pressure of 160 bar. The pressure test was successfully carried out after a construction time of just 12 weeks. There is a long tradition of association between the customer – an Austrian natural gas transportation company – and Kremsmueller. For decades, the entrusted tasks have been completed competently and with short reaction times. The plan is to expand the gas storage capacity to 2.7 billion m³ by 2017.
Since the seventies, the consumption of natural gas in Austria tripled. From 2003 to 2007, the average requirement was 8 billion m³ annually. Therefore, this raw material is now indispensable for the local energy supply. Thanks to favourable geological structures, Austria is a leader in natural gas storage in all of Europe. Through storage in underground tanks, differences between supply and demand can be balanced out. This helps to cover the far higher demand during the winter months without any problems. The supply system was put to the test at the beginning of the year: The Russian natural gas supply at the Baumgarten node was down for two weeks. Full natural gas tanks and intensive inland production ensured smooth, trouble-free supply to the consumers.
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Since the seventies, the consumption of natural gas in Austria tripled. From 2003 to 2007, the average requirement was 8 billion m³ annually. Therefore, this raw material is now indispensable for the local energy supply. Thanks to favourable geological structures, Austria is a leader in natural gas storage in all of Europe. Through storage in underground tanks, differences between supply and demand can be balanced out. This helps to cover the far higher demand during the winter months without any problems. The supply system was put to the test at the beginning of the year: The Russian natural gas supply at the Baumgarten node was down for two weeks. Full natural gas tanks and intensive inland production ensured smooth, trouble-free supply to the consumers.
Click on the right on "Contact" and you can directly get in touch with our pipeline experts.