Telecommunication by helicopter
Installation in an 11th century castle? Only with a helicopter.
Kremsmueller Industrieanlagenbau set up a GSM network in the state of Lower Austria. One of the telecommunications locations is in the ruins of the castle of Staatz, 323 meters above the village of the same name. Since the ruins cannot be reached with motor vehicles, a helicopter had to be used.
For the foundation block, the helicopter carried 24 metric tonnes of concrete and steel to the ruins. Subsequently, a mini-container was also placed here. It protects the communications electronics and the electrical equipment from the influences of the weather.
Monument protection had top priority in this project. All conductors were laid inconspicuously and visitors can discern the technical devices only when they specifically look for them.
The transmission mast, 9 metres high, was prefabricated in the telecommunications works of Kremsmueller in Schwechat. This component of the transmission system was also "threaded" into the donjon of the castle from a helicopter. Even seconds matter in such assembly work – the helicopter floated easily at the other end of the cable during the fastening work in the narrow space. Good visibility and absence of wind are decisive for such tasks. Under no circumstances may the load start swinging.
For the telecommunications cabling and the electrical supply, the installation team from Kremsmueller laid 205 metres of aerial cables each. On the mountainside, the fitters were able to put their mountain-climbing training to good use. For the telecommunications experts of Kremsmueller, climbing and simultaneously carrying out assembly or installation work is already a matter of routine.
You can read more on the castle ruins of Staaz on And for more information on our services in the telecommunications sector, please click here.