Spectacular Installation
Brand-new look for a 50-year-old high-tower excess gas burner system
The high-tower excess gas burner of an Austrian plastic manufacturer was first installed in 1960. Now, in 2011, it was to be renovated – Exactly the sort of task for the experts from Kremsmueller. The excess gas burner was prefabricated in the new production shop at Kremsmueller’s headquarters in Steinhaus. After that, things had to move quickly: in just 4 days, 20 fitters dismantled the old burner and made it state-of-the-art.
It was possible to execute the project quickly not least thanks to a detailed safety analysis that was carried out in advance. The customer was extremely satisfied: Kremsmueller supplied the best quality and was able to adhere to the tight schedule. The excess gas burner now has an optimum combustion efficiency, which means that less pollutants get thrown into the atmosphere.
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If you would like to know more about our deployments in the plastics industry, click on the right on „Contact“ – You will then directly get in touch with an expert from Kremsmueller.