Pioneering work at our very own doorstep
The biggest-ever stainless steel drinking water tank is located in Steinhaus. Nonetheless, the concept had to establish its superiority over international competition.
The tank, with its diameter of 28 metres and height just under 9 metres, holds no less than 5000 m³ of spring water. For the first time ever, such a large tank was fabricated in stainless steel – and not, as is usually the case, underground and of concrete.
That the project would be awarded to Kremsmueller owing to the proximity of the manufacturing facility was not to be taken for granted at all. In fact, Kremsmueller demonstrated its superiority over the international competition with a convincing concept. A lean-duplex material that was perfectly customized to the local drinking water was used. The high strength facilitated an extremely light construction, which can quite aptly be described as a marvel of structural analysis. Even Berthold Obermair, Director of the Department of Water at EWW, was impressed: “With the concept introduced by Kremsmueller, we have saved 20 percent on costs and even 30 percent on construction time. Moreover, the degree of intervention in Nature was substantially lower. In the classical method of construction, huge quantities of earth would have had to be moved.” Moreover, concrete reservoirs need extensive renovation every few years. As against that, the stainless steel tank has been designed for a life of at least a hundred years.
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That the project would be awarded to Kremsmueller owing to the proximity of the manufacturing facility was not to be taken for granted at all. In fact, Kremsmueller demonstrated its superiority over the international competition with a convincing concept. A lean-duplex material that was perfectly customized to the local drinking water was used.
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