Chairperson of the society Michaela Altendorfer and Gregor Kremsmueller at the inauguration ceremony of the Teddyhaus.

More Space in the Teddyhaus

The ‘Herzkinder’ society provides accommodation through difficult times. Kremsmueller 4 Life supported expansion plans

The ‘Teddyhaus’ or Teddyhouse is located not far from the Children’s Heart Centre in Linz. It gives the parents of children with heart disease a lodging facility and a retreat. When their children have to be in hospital for a long time, they would otherwise have to travel very long distances every day and perhaps multiple times a day – additional physical stress that is avoided by staying at the Teddyhaus. It is also a financial relief since high travelling or hotel costs are avoided.

The Teddyhaus is run by the ‘Herzkinder’ society and as a social institution, it also fully takes into account the therapeutic needs of the parents of children with heart disease. They get peace there, and can find the energy reserves to face their situation.

Since the accommodation facilities were already bursting at the seams, a decision to expand them was finally made in 2014. As this was being done, Kremsmueller provided financial support for the furnishing of the new space. A total of 16 living units is now available. About 450 families are supported every year in the Teddyhaus. The average duration of stay is about four weeks.

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