A Forge for Welding Pros
Become one of the best through individual training: This is the promise the Karl Kremsmueller Welding Academy has fulfilled since 2004.
“The Welding Academy, in the heart of Upper Austria, has established itself as a first-class training facility. This, in addition to its many years of practical experience, ensures Kremsmueller of the best-qualified junior talent and skilled workers of the future,” declared Upper Austrian State Minister of Economic Affairs Viktor Sigl on the occasion of the grand opening in 2004. Four years later it is apparent that the Welding Academy is a resounding success. At the end of 2007, Kremsmueller was nominated for the “Schrittmacher” (Pacesetter) Economic Innovation Prize.
Approximately 50 percent of the Academy’s attendees are Kremsmueller’s own employees. The remaining resources are offered a service. Since its founding, about 1200 individuals have been trained to become welding specialists. In small groups, the program is tailored to individual requirements. Besides practical training, the courses also impart theoretical knowledge. In addition to such classics as gas welding and manual electric welding, modern inert gas shielded arc welding methods such as MAG, MIG or WIG are taught, and only state-of-the-art welding machines are used.
A well-rounded program that ideally prepares welders for the complex challenges of the industry.
Read more about the Welding Academy at www.schweissakademie.at
Read more about the welding methods and their use at www.wikipedia.com