Complex system: cable trays and wires are well secured as they make their way through the entire paper factory.

Kick-off in the Paper Factory

How hundreds of kilometres of pipeline rejuvenate a paper machine.

Kremsmueller installed an absolutely incredible network of cable braids in the Hungarian factory of an international paper group. Joined into one single strand, all the machine cabling, the control cables and earth wires would stretch right up to Kremsmueller’s location in Schwechat – no less than 280 km! Well secured, all these cables run in a total of 18 km cable trays.
Sophisticated UPS distributors ensure a safe power supply. Control consoles facilitate easy operation of the new paper machine. A great deal of attention was paid to safety. For this purpose, Kremsmueller developed special emergency-stop cabinets. And finally, everything had to be connected as well: as many as 11,100 connections were correctly made.
10 engineers, construction supervisors and plant experts from Kremsmueller managed about 100 fitters during the project. Engineering and construction site coordination took place simultaneously, so that the project was executed punctually in just seven months. This is a record for such a complex project in the I&C domain. "Keeping to deadlines is what it’s all about in the plant construction business and we attach a great deal of importance to it", says COO Karl Strauß about this project.
The Hungarian paper factory is the focal point of big plans: the customer aims to capture the East European market from there. To do so, the paper recycling works is tripling its capacity. The new machine can produce a formidable 1350 m of paper with a working width of 7.8 m per minute.
Switch cabinet fabrication
Masterful engineering: UPS distributors ensure interruption-free energy supply to the paper machine.
Machine assembly
Wired, connected and commissioned – The cellulose fibres are prepared for the paper production in the 1100 kW Refiner.