hundstorfer strauß
Managing Director of the Kremsmueller Group Karl Strauß taking Minister Hundstorfer through the production facility. There is a a new submerged-arch welding machine in the background.

In Dialogue

Minister of Social Affairs Hundstorfer visits Kremsmueller

In the framework of the 63rd Wels cities council, Rudolf Hundstorfer, Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection visited the company headquarters of the Kremsmueller Group in Steinhaus, underlining the tremendous importance of good interplay between business and politics.

An extensive tour of the new production shops was followed by a discussion round during which the focus was on the the wishes and concerns of the Chairpersons of the Works Councils of the Kremsmueller Group.

In cooperation with the management, the Works Council worked out improvement approaches in the area of labour protection, for a lot can and needs to be done particularly in the construction and installation sector. Numerous efforts of the Kremsmueller Group to guarantee even greater safety and labour protection have already borne fruit. But lots more still needs to be done.

Not least thanks to the fruitful discussions in Wels, there was, in turn, an invitation to visit the Ministry. In the summer, there was a meeting between Minister Hundstorfer and the Chairpersons of the Works Councils of the biggest enterprises in the construction and installation sector.

Would you like to know more on the measures taken for labour protection at Kremsmueller? Please click at the top right on Contact and you will directly reach the experts.
Social Affairs Minister
Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Works Council in the Ministry. In the front row of the photograph, Franz Schuh (CWC, Siemens STS) and Minister of Social Affairs Rudolf Hundstorfer. From the left behind him, Johannes Wischer (CWS FMT), Fritz Fuchs (CWS Kremsmueller Group) and Ernst Halwachs (CWS Integral Montage GmbH).