Help at the last minute
Kremsmueller organised equipment for the social service event “Wiener Tafel”.
On 18 June, under the motto „There’s enough for everyone", the Wiener Tafel association invited passersby to take their places at the „Long Table" just outside the musuem district in Vienna. Just a week before the event, the committee was assured of a stage for the framework program. The equipment had to be organised in a terrific hurry.
„Rescue at the last minute" – That was Kremsmueller for Cornelia Richter, the deputy CEO of the environment and social service association. Overnight, in a manner of speaking, Kremsmueller made available cable rolls, several distribution boxes and plugs, fire extinguishers, first aid boxes as well as tools. The Lange Tafel 2010 was a total success as a result.
The Wiener Tafel celebrated with several hundred visitors with live music and a cabaret. Even celebrities like Josef Hader, Michael Heltau, Verena Scheitz and Gerold Rudle were present. Together, they all declared a resolve to defeat poverty. After all, although Austria is one of the richtest countries in the world, there are more than 5,000 homeless persons in Vienna alone.
About 70,000 tonnes of food are destroyed annually in Austria. Of this, the Wiener Tafel rescues up to about 3 tonnes before it is trashed. 150 honorary workers distribute the surplus goods to 78 social organisations in the Greater Vienna region. And because alms alone are not enough to liberate people from poverty, professional consulting and support are also offered.
There’s more on the Wiener Tafel at