Kremsmueller offers technology from a single source: cash register system and automatic vending machines for service stations. Interfaces are thus a thing of the past.

From a Single Source

The latest news from the technology division of Kremsmueller.

The next logical step in the business process of the newest member of the Kremsmueller Group is in full swing: The integration of the InoSmart service station automatic vending machine (AVM) family in the software technology division. Effective immediately, the hardware and software will be developed, installed and supported by the same team.
The advantages for the customer are clear. The fuel dispenser AVMs  and the cash register will work without interfaces. All the components will be optimally matched to one another. Updates, services and fault rectification will be carried out, as before, directly and centrally by the engineering experts.
Meanwhile, even the competition in the cash register sector is relying on the software engineers from Kremsmueller: At present, the team is working on the rollout and maintenance of a cash register system for 150 service stations all over Austria. One of the largest cash register manufacturers in the world entrusted the installation, maintenance and service to Kremsmüller Softwaretechnik.
The team of software developers, service station engineers and IT engineers at work has experience and a high degree of sensitivity for the sector. The support bases of the service fleet are distributed all over Austria. If there is a problem, the reaction will be quick and reliable.
Click here for more information on Kremsmueller Software Technology.
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