InoSmart Light+ AutoZum
Robust and compact. The InoSmart Light+ is a new development from the InoSmart family of products. The automatic fuel terminal has been designed specially for self-service fuel stations.

AutoZum 2015

KTT (Kremsmueller Tankstellentechnik) exhibits product innovations at the AutoZum trade fair in Salzburg

Every two years, punctually at the beginning of the year, the entire automobile, workshop and service station sector meets at the AutoZum trade fair in Salzburg. In 2015 too, there were a few innovations at KTT (Kremsmüller Tankstellentechnik) booth for visitors to discover. Above all, KTT showed how easy and quick service station processes can be.

As the Austrian exclusive partner of the Japanese technology group Tatsuno, KTT presented new high-performance multi-product fuel dispensers from the successful model series called Ocean. A pump for dispensing antifreeze was also shown next to it. It can be positioned right next to the fuel dispenser.

The Kremsmueller engineers also presented a new model for the InoSmart automatic dispenser series as well. InoSmart Light+ is a further development of the InoSmart Light that was designed specially for on-campus service stations and was conceived as a cost-effective entry into the in the public domain. It is intended to satisfy the ever-increasing demand in this area.

Your next chance to meet KTT will be on 6-7 May in the German city of Muenster at the BFT trade fair.

Know more here

Kremsmueller AutoZum
The Kremsmueller service station and software engineers were present with a fresh, new concept for their booth.