50 years of Kremsmueller
A journey through the whole world of industry.
On a radiantly blue late summer weekend, Kremsmueller welcomed invitees to the company headquarters in Steinhaus. A colourful show made the production sheds of Kremsmueller glow in an entirely different light. Business associates, employees and friends of the family-held company got a really special insight into the world of industry from Kremsmueller.
The best statements on 50 years of Kremsmueller (view in HD)
The family party for employees (view in HD)
The report on the company jubilee celebrations on LT1 (view in SD)
Looking back to the beginnings in the sixties – With Monika Strauß-Kremsmueller (view in HD)
The item “Kremsmueller 4 Life Journey Through Art” at the gala evening (view in HD)